Drifting In The Sewers, The Body Of A Boy Who Drifted In Pondok Cabe Was Finally Found Dead

TANGERANG - BPBD officers, Basarnas to South Tangerang Satpol PP finally found a boy with the initials D (4) who was swept away by the Jalan Lombok area, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, South Tangerang.

Previously, the father of the victim, R (37), had already been found. He was found dead, Sunday, May 21, at night.

"We found the victim's body floating in a water channel and Pesanggrahan river meeting," said Head of Emergency and Logistics for South Tangerang City, Faridzal Gumay when confirmed, Monday, May 22.

Gumay explained that during the search process, his party together with Basarnas divided the two teams using the SAR exploration method to comb the waterways up to 3 KM from the scene.

"And the second team made efforts to search using rubber boats in the Pesanggaraan river flow up to a radius of 1.5 km from the meeting of waterways and Pesanggrahan Rivers," he said.

The body has now been taken to the funeral home, for further action.

"We evacuated to the funeral home to hand it over to the family," he concluded.


Local residents, Yayan explained that the incident started with the screams of a small child who said that a child was swept into a sewer.

"Where is it? 'Sir, this sewer' happened to be close to my house. The idea of the sewer was straight, I went back to the alley again, I saw the sewer was not straight, I turned (branched) back again," said Yayan.

Arriving at the scene, Yayan received information that the victim's father had gone to the sewer to look for his son. However, until now the father and son have not been found.

Gotnya itu dalem-dalem, arusnya juga deres. Saya juga dapat kabar dadanya juga nyebur nih. Duanya enggak bertemu nih, ucapnya.