When Is A Good Time To Drink Apple Cuka? Check Out The Following Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Drinking apple vinegar is one of the diet methods that many people do. Apple cuka has various benefits for body health, one of which is losing weight. Many ask, when is a good time to drink apple vinegar?

Apple cuka is a drink made from fermented apples. This drink is usually consumed by drinking directly or mixed in food or drinks. So to get maximum results on a diet, when is a good time to drink apple vinegar?

Regarding when it is the right time to consume apple vinegar, there is actually no special time rule. The habit of drinking apple vinegar is also different, namely in the morning, at night, before eating, and before exercising.

Usually people who go through a diet program drink apple vinegar more often in the morning. A study that states that drinking apple vinegar in the morning can speed up the weight loss process.

According to dietists, there are two best times to eat apple vinegar vinegar, namely in the morning and before eating. Drinking apple vinegar before eating can hold back appetite and improve carbohydrate digestion and lower blood spikes. A study shows that eating 1-2 tablespoons of apple vinegar a day is useful for losing weight.

There are also some people who consume apple vinegar before exercising. Drinking apple vinegar vinegar before exercise is believed to balance pH, increase energy, and minimize fatigue.

Drinking also apples can also be done at night. According to some people's confession, drinking apple vinegar vinegar before bed can help lower blood sugar levels.

That's a review of the good time to drink apple vinegar vinegar. Actually, there are no special rules regarding special times to consume apple vinegar. There are people who consume it in the morning, at night, before eating, or before exercise.

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