1,938 Hajj Candidates From Garut Departed, Ministry Of Religion: There Are 200 Candidates That Have Not Been Verified And Canceled

JAKARTA - The office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Garut Regency, West Java confirmed that 1,938 hajj candidates from the area were dispatched to the Holy Land by being divided into six groups, two of which were merged with other regions. "God willing, until day the H all the pilgrims are ready, the documents are ready, just waiting for the schedule," said the Head of the Garut Cece Hidayat Ministry of Religion Office, quoting Antara, Thursday, May 18. He said that the release of the pilgrims was part of a ceremony organized by the local government with the Garut Ministry of Religion Office before the departure was released in each group centered at the Garut Hall. He said Garut Regency received 1,938 hajj quotas with departures divided into 6 clusters, namely 4 groups from Garut and 2 other batchers joined with Cirebon and Bandung. Regarding there were 200 prospective pilgrims who had canceled their departure, said Cece, most of them were recorded for reasons of illness, death, and their addresses were unclear or had left Garut Regency. "It was (200) that had not been verified, yes, some of them died, maybe because the explanation was unclear, they had left Garut, all kinds of people who had not been verified," he said. He conveyed according to the schedule of Hajj pilgrims from Garut, the first departing or the first batch on May 23, 2023, which departed from the Garut Hall on May 23, which was dispatched from the Garut Hall at around 03.15 WIB towards Bekasi embarration before finally leaving for Mecca.

The entire hajj candidate, he said, would receive assistance which consists of health workers, namely one doctor and two nurses from each city. "They will help, especially in the context of handling the arrangement while in Mecca and Medina, help coordinate, communicate, whose name is Hajj pilgrims, it is also possible because they are tired, there needs to be supplies, such as that," he said. Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan appreciated the role of the Garut Regency Ministry of Religion who had made efforts to add a hajj quota according to the one given by the central government or an increase of 10 percent compared to the previous year. Garut Regency Government, he said, prepared a place at the Garut Pendopo to be the center of departure for pilgrims from the area which was considered safer and more comfortable. "Later each cluster, in turn, I will release approximately 03.00 WIB on May 23, 2023," he said. Departure of Garut Hajj candidate pilgrims is centered in the pendopo area. For the first batch departing May 23, 2023 at 03.15 WIB. Furthermore, batch 14 departs May 28, 2023, at around 13.00 WIB, batch 44 at 8 June 2023 at around 01.00 WIB, batch 54 departs at 13 June 2023 departing at 03.15 WIB, batch 68 departing June 2023 at around 14.00 WIB, and batch 69 departs at around 13.00 WIB.