Pertamina Patra Niaga Salurkan Smooth Fluid In Pangkah Block

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga through the West Java Regional Sales Corporate (JBB) conducted the initial distribution of Smooth Fluid (SF) for drilling in the Pangkah Block located in the East Java Sea.

This distribution is carried out through distributors of PT Sukses Abadi Petrokimia (SAPETRO) to mud services serving PGN Saka, namely PT China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL) Indonesia.

JBB's Corporate Sales Region Manager, Arif Rahman explained, with the increase in users of SF products owned by PGN Saka, it is seen that Pertamina Smooth Fluid (SF) is increasingly in demand for drilling.

"By distributing it to PGN Saka, it is a tangible form of stronger collaboration between Subholding in Pertamina, starting from production at Pertamina International Refinery, in the market of Pertamina Patra Niaga until it is used in Hulu, namely currently in PGN Saka," he told the media, Monday, May 15.

He explained that the Smooth Fluid product, which is a domestic production, has proven to be able to compete with imported products.

In addition to increasing TKDN, Smooth Fluid has advantages and quality that has been proven to increase effectiveness and efficiency in drilling applications.

"Pertamina is currently also developing SF-04 products produced by the Cilacap Refinery and SF-02 Products for Dumai Refinery Production to bring Smooth Fluid products closer to Contract Contractors for Cooperation (KKKS) to support upstream oil and gas activities in Indonesia," continued Arif.

The dismantling of the first Smooth Fluid Distribution in Tuban on May 12, 2023 was attended by the Indonesian COSL Representative, Gatot Prasetyo Ginting, Key Account Special Chemical Faisal Rahman, Sales Branch Manager Petrochemical I Yosa Ario Sadewo from Pertamina Patra Niaga, Niko Atmaja President Director of PT Sukses Abadi Petrokimia (SAPETRO).

Currently, the shipments received by PT COSL Indonesia at the Tuban warehouse plant have been successfully distributed as many as 1580 Barrels and will still increase as the offshore drilling begins.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga West Java Regional, Eko Kristiawan added, Smooth Fluid itself is the result of the innovation of Pertamina's Anak Negeri from Research & Technology Innovation (RTI) and upstream innovation.

"This product is used as a Fluid Base which is the Main Component of oil-based drilling mud (oil base mud) used by KKKS companies in drilling oil or gas," he explained.

Apart from the high TKDN (92 percent for SF-02 products and 75 percent for SF-05 products, this product has very good Stability and Rheology and also the most important thing is that it is environmentally friendly with very low aromatic and sulfur content.