PGN Gandeng JNE Implements BBG Conversion For Logistics Vehicles

JAKARTA - Pertamina Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk through a subsidiary of PT Gagas Energi Indonesia in collaboration with PT Tiki Line Nugraha Ekakur or JNE for the conversion of BBG on vehicles belonging to JNE.
This collaboration was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding collaboration between Gagas and JNE, socialization of the use of BBG, and test drive of gas-fueled vehicles on Monday, May 15.
President Director of Gagas Muhammad Hardiansyah said, through this collaboration, Gagas is ready to provide BBG conversion equipment in the form of a converter kit for JNE vehicles, checking vehicles that will be converted by BBG and the appointment of special workshops to install fuel conversion equipment belonging to JNE.
Not only that, Gagas also provides SPBG for charging in various locations.
With a dual fuel (BBM BBG) system, logistics vehicles can cover a longer distance at a more affordable energy cost.
"This system can also be used at the same time. Currently, the price of BBG is only priced at IDR 4,500 per liter equivalent to pertalite," he told the media, Monday, May 15.
He continued, currently the gas cylinders available for vehicles measuring 51 LWC or equivalent to 12 liters of premium equivalent (LSP) and 60 LWC or equivalent to 15 LSPs.
Cylinders measuring 60 LWC can be applied to vehicles such as gasoline-fueled logistics cars, car estimation can cover a distance of approximately 150"160 km for BBG fuel alone.
If the fuel runs out in the middle of the road, the engine will automatically burn to fuel so that travel activities will not be disrupted.
We strongly support the efficiency and reduction of emissions that can be realized from this cooperation program. With a fairly affordable conversion investment cost of around Rp. 20 - 25 million, JNE will get long-term benefits with energy efficiency amid the current uncertainty in world energy prices. The use of BBG in logistics vehicles contributes to the use of cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative energy, "explained Hardiansyah.
Hardiansyah continued, to get maximum results and efficiency, the fuel conversion program to BBG would be more appropriate to feel, especially in the logistics sector with a larger volume of fuel use.
Similar to the government, PGN Group has the aspirations and hopes that more competitive energy costs can reduce national logistics costs.
"Currently the competition is extraordinary. If you want to survive, there are two things that need to be done. First, continue to innovate and secondly carry out efficiency. One of the efforts that we (JNE) made is to make innovations that can encourage efficiency. This is also a step to support government programs to be able to convert fuel to BBG," said JNE President Director M Feriadi.
The price of BBG at IDR 4,500/lsp for transportation is the same wherever the filling location is, so it can be the right choice for efficiency from fuel prices at least 55 percent.
Not only the efficiency benefits for users, but the use of BBG can also develop an ecosystem for the use of BBG as a transitional energy to suppress energy imports and reduce carbon emissions in vehicles in line with the ESG program.