Pertagas Focuses On Fixing Fasum Affected By The Sevenah-Balikpapan Gas Pipe Project

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) as part of the PT Pertamina Gas Subholding (Persero), continues to ensure the smooth running of the Seinpah 'Balikpapan' natural gas pipeline project, including focusing on improving public facilities (fasum), which were affected by the construction of the project.

Communication, Relations, & CSR Manager of Pertagas Imam Rismanto said the fasum improvement was carried out as a follow-up to a coordination meeting with the Balikpapan City Government Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), East Kalimantan, related at the Balikpapan Mayor's Office, Wednesday, May 3.

He conveyed that Pertagas was committed to following up on the results of the coordination meeting through improvements such as road asphalting, drainage repairs, adding safety signs/pagars, adding supervisory personnel, as well as repairing traffic regulation on the Balikpapan city road which was being carried out. construction on gas pipe planting.

Imam also apologized for the inconvenience of residents and road users and thanks for the support of the Balikpapan City Government regarding the implementation of the project.

"In addition to intensifying road repairs in Balikpapan City, Pertagas is also repairing roads in the Samboja sub-district, which are affected by the construction work for planting gas pipelines," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, May 15.

The Seinpah-Balikpapan Gas Pipe will support the increase in the processing capacity and production of Pertamina's refinery in Balikpapan, with gas sources from the Seinpah area, East Kalimantan, with a maximum capacity of 125 MMSCFD.

This, added Imam, is in line with the Government of Indonesia's program in the field of national energy security in supporting energy equality in eastern Indonesia.

In addition, according to him, the use of natural gas as clean energy is also in accordance with the energy transition program to achieve net zero emissions by 2060 or sooner.