Slipping, Malaysian Citizen Dies At Tumpak Sewu Lumajang Waterfall

LUMAJANG - A foreigner from Selangor Malaysia, Josephine Tham Sook Min (58), died because he fell while descending from the Tumpak Sewu Waterfall tourist attraction, Sidomulyo Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java.

"Rekan-rekan dari Reskrim sudah melakukan olah tempat kejadian perkara (TKP) terkait meninggalnya wisatawan asing di Air Falls Tumpak Sewu. Kejadian itu kini ditangani Polres Lumajang," kata Kapolsek Pronojiwo Iptu Wahono Puji Santoso dilansir ANTARA, Rabu, 10 Mei.

Meanwhile, the Head of Emergency, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the Lumajang BPBD, Adma Teguh Admari, said the victim and a group of six people arrived at the Tumpak Sewu tourist area, in Sidomulyo Village, Pronojiwo District on Wednesday at 07.30 WIB.

"Then the group continued the journey on foot to the lower waterfall of Tumpak Sewu accompanied by a tour guide, but in the middle of the journey the victim slipped and fell about 15 meters deep and the back of the head was hit by a rock," he said.

After learning about the incident, the group assisted by Karang Taruna Pokdarwis Tumpak Sewu immediately evacuated the victim and was successfully evacuated from the bottom of the ravine and then rushed to the Pronojiwo Health Center.

"When he was taken to the Pronojiwo Health Center, the victim was declared dead by a local health center doctor and the body of the deceased was taken to Dr. Haryoto Lumajang Hospital for further examination of the body," he said.

The victim's body is still in the morgue of Haryoto Lumajang Hospital and is still waiting for representatives of the Malaysian embassy to Indonesia to carry out an autopsy and deportation process to their country of origin.

The six foreigners who are traveling in Tumpak Sewu are a group of foreign tourists from Singapore and have previously traveled in Malang City.