Synopsis Of Korean Drama Race, Reality Of Competition At The Public Relations Office

JAKARTA - The Korean drama series Race will air Wednesday, May 10, on Disney+. The drama, starring Lee Yeon Hee, presents a picture of the reality of the office world to viewers with the background of a public relationship (PR) company in South Korea.

Quoted from Yonhap, Tuesday, May 9, director Lee Dong-yun said that Race presents stories about the dynamics of work, life, and struggles of ordinary workers with characters that can resonate with the audience.

According to him, the drama series focuses on describing the reality of the workplace today with characters representing various positions, age groups, and work ethic.

"The title does not refer to a competitive 'race', but to the 'race' taken by each character with its own speed," said Lee.

Director Lee himself was previously known through several drama series projects including Feast of the Gods (2012) and 20th Century Boy and Girl (2017).

Race revolved around the story of Park Yoon-jo (played by Lee Yeon-hee), who earned a contract position at a large public relations company through a blind recruitment process.

After previously working for a small public relations agency, Park found himself involved in a recruitment scandal and had to prove his worth to the company.

To Yonhap, Lee Yeon-hee admitted that he read books about the personal lives of PR professionals to better understand life in the industry and the people associated with the work.

These efforts, according to him, help him to explore and display Park's character who tries to surpass the underprivileged economic background in a competitive work environment.

"The fate well describes the difficulties of office workers my age. I want to represent those people who live today," said Lee.

Race also features other actors such as Hong Jong-hyun, Moon So-ri, and Jung Yun-ho or known as U-Know Yunho from the K-pop boy group TVXG.

Hong will play Ryu Jae-min, Park's old friend and best player at the company. Moon plays Goo Yi-jeong, a veteran PR specialist who joins the company as CEO. While Yunho plays the role of Seo Dong-hoon in Race who is the young CEO of an advertising bureau.