SMRC Survey: Ganjar's Electability To Rise Pesat Post-announced As PDIP Presidential Candidate

JAKARTA - Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC), released the results of the latest survey related to the electability of presidential candidates (candidates). As a result, the PDI-P presidential reading Ganjar Pranowo received the most support from the national 'critical voter', by 20.8 percent. SMRC Research Director Deni Irvani said the figure showed a significant increase from the previous survey on April 4-7, 2023, which was only 13 percent.

"Ganjar experienced a significant increase from 13 percent on April 4-7, 2023, only after the FIFA decision to cancel Indonesia to host the U20 World Cup to 20.8 percent on April 25-28 2023 only after the PDI-P decision to nominate Ganjar," Deni said in his statement, Saturday, April 29.

Meanwhile, Gerindra Party presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto received 15.8 percent support, and the Presidential Decree of the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan received 11.4 percent.

"The results of this survey also show that the electability of presidential candidates in the last 3 years has been quite dynamic," said Deni.

Deni explained that critical voters are voters who have better access to social-political information sources because they have a telephone so they can access the internet to find out and behave towards social-political news.

They, generally, are lower middle class voters to the upper class, are more educated, and tend to live in urban areas.

"The total number of critical voters nationally is estimated to reach 80 percent, which means this survey does not reflect the national voter population of 100 percent," he concluded. SMRC survey was conducted in the period 25-28 April 2023 through an interview by telephone by trained interviewers.

The survey margin of error is estimated to be pp.3.1 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, a simple random sampling assumption.