PDI-P Will Facilitate Volunteer Support To Ganjar Pranowo

Spokesperson for the PDI-P, Deddy Yevri Sitorus, appreciated the steps taken by a number of Muhammadiyah activists who were members of the Advancing Bond Movement to declare support for Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate (candidate) in the 2024 General Election.The Secretary of the Special Decree of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP for the Ganjar Pranowo Winning Volunteer Cooperation said his party would try to accommodate the initiative and enthusiasm of the people who support the governor of Central Java to advance in the upcoming presidential election."We invite people who support and want to make declarations of support, please as much as possible. Desk Volunteers will try their best to facilitate and personalize volunteer initiatives to support Mr. Ganjar Pranowo as a candidate for president of the Republic of Indonesia,” said Deddy Yevri, Saturday, April 29.“ We will facilitate public interest and support, nor will we limit access to presidential or TKN later on,” he added. Deddy emphasized that coordination between Special Desk and volunteer groups is needed so that later it can become a good unity of motion.“ Coordination is needed so that one unit in the winning narrative, winning strategies, facilitating the distribution of logistics and campaign activities, supporting data and information as well as not overlapping in carrying out activities, ” said Deddy Yevri Sitorus. Previously, a number of Muhammadiyah activists who joined the Admissioning Movement declared support to Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate (candidate) in the 2024 elections, Saturday, April 29. These activists named themselves as the National Volunteers of the Advanced GP to win Ganjar.The National Coordinator of Advanced GP Volunteers, Faozan Amar, said that Indonesia has been destined by God as a country full of diversity, both in terms of ethnicity, religion, race, and between groups with a very large number of regions and large populations. According to him, diversity is a gift as well as an opportunity to make the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia a developed, sovereign, just and prosperous country.Therefore, the former Executive Director of Lazismu assesses that Indonesia needs leaders who not only understand ideology, but are also tested with real experience and work to advance the nation and state above the principles of mutual cooperation. “ Indonesian leaders must be like a sun that shines without discrimination, ramatan lil alamin, and sustainably, Mustamirun. Able to enlighten, pilot move, yataharak and continue, yukmil, national development towards an advanced Indonesia, taqadam, and that figure lies with Mr. Haji Ganjar Pranowo,” said Faozan in Central Jakarta, Saturday, April 29.Faozan emphasized that the Advanced GP volunteers are ready to move to win Ganjar Pranowo as President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 period." “Of course while we all pray that Allah Swt meldoi the struggle of all of us. Amen YRA,” he continued. Faozan said that this declaration in Jakarta was the initial trigger that would be followed by declarations by the citizens in the regions. “ After this, because we already have a post in Jakarta, we will send assignment letters to friends at the provincial, district/city levels to form regional coordinators, regional coordinators, even to sub-districts to win Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate, ” said Faozan. Regarding Ganjar Pranowo's companion, Faozan emphasized, GP volunteers are aiming to hand over the full to political parties. “ I think our constitution says that the future presidential and vice presidential candidates are carried by political parties and coalitions of political parties, and I think that is the authority of political parties, please political parties including Pak Ganjar himself, "he said."Because determining the candidate for deputy is the authority of a political party, what we as volunteers have is of course not to mix the duties and functions of a political party, ” added Faozan.