Indosat Records 25 Percent Data Traffic Increase At The Peak Of Eid 2023

JAKARTA - cellular operator Indosat Ooredo Hutchison noted an increase in data traffic by 25 percent from its services during the peak of Lebaran 2023. The peak of Eid in question is the night of takbiran.

This increase occurs when compared to the Eid 2022 period. "The high increase in data traffic proves that customers enjoy an Indosat integrated network that provides a wider reach, better indoor quality, and faster internet experience," said SVP - Head of Network Operations Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Agus Sulistio in a press release, Monday, April 24. In particular for 2023, Indosat is indeed preparing its capacity more. optimum bahkan menyiapkan pengawasan intensif melalui command centerfisik di kantor pusat maupun regional.Dalam periode libur Lebaran tahun ini, penggunaan aplikasi media sosial mengalami kenaikan sebesar 45 persen, disusulkan permesanan dan panggilan video naik 28 persen, akses untuk gimmobilebebebebe 14 persen, sertastreaming video dan musik naik 10 persen dibandingkan dengan lebaran tahun lalu. Tercatat pelanggan Indosat paling banyak mengakses aplikasi TikTok, WhatsApp, Youtube, Instagram, dan Facebook while filling homecoming and holidays. This also includes the use of online game applications such as Mobile Legend, Free Fire, and PUBG. Indosat also recorded a 15 percent increase in data traffic during the Eid holiday compared to normal days this year. Through an analysis based on statistical data during the Eid al-Fitr holiday in previous years, Indosat managed to anticipate a significant surge in data traffic in various cities destinations and homecoming routes on the island of Java Such as Tasikmalaya, Cirebon, Sukabumi, Tegal, Serang, Solo, Purwokerto, Purwakarta, Banjarnegara, Cianjur, Madura, Bandung, Pati, and Tuban. Data traffic also recorded a fairly high increase in several other cities outside Java, including in Metro-City of Earth, Baturaja, Bandar Lampung, Bone, Sampit, and Pare-pare. Various network quality improvement activities have been carried out centrally and in the field to ensure customers enjoy the best digital experience. To maintain performance The Indosat network, internal teams and partners are command centers and in the field are always on standby in anticipating dynamic mobility and customer needs. With the equipment and dashboard specifically for continuous network quality monitoring and customer digital experience and proactive 24 hours 7 days, as many as 74 percent of customer complaints tickets have been successfully completed in less than 24 hours since they were reported. With the 100 percent integrated Indosat network, we have "I am committed to continuing to improve the digital experience of customers who adjust their needs and lifestyle," concluded Agus.