Megawati Orders 3 Pillars Of Moving Parties After Announce Ganjar To Be A Presidential Candidate: Do It Disciplined

Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri ordered three pillars of the party to move to win the 2024 General Election. This order was conveyed after the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo was announced as a presidential candidate today.

"My children, all sympathizers of the members and cadres of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, with the appointment of this presidential candidate, I will then give instructions through daily orders to the three pillars of the party," said Megawati at the Batutuli Palace, Bogor, West Java, Friday, April 21.

"I have ordered the three pillars of this party as general chairman of the party to immediately move and work hard to come down to greet grassroots to win the 2024 General Election," he continued.

The three pillars of the party in question are the first structural parties, branches to the Party's DPP.

The second pillar is members of the legislature from the provincial district to the national level. Third, members of the legislature from the district, city, provincial levels to the national level.

"Immediately raise the flag of the number three white-nosed bull in your respective homes. Open the mutual cooperation post and keep the white-snout flag number three as a symbol of the spirit and energy of your struggle," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Megawati also reminded that this message must be done with discipline. There is no reason whatsoever for cadres not to comply.

"Implement this daily order of the general chairman. With full discipline, full of discipline, full of discipline. Unite yourself and unite your arms, push your hands to unity, and win the election once again in 2024. Together we are steadfast, our divorce will collapse," he said.

As previously reported, PDIP has finally officially announced Ganjar Pranowo, who has been mentioned as the White Rambut as the person who will be Joko Widodo's successor in the 2024 presidential election. Megawati Soekarnoputri officially announced the announcement, Friday, April 21.

"At 13.45 WIB, he appointed Ganjar Pranowo as a cadre and party officer to be assigned as a presidential candidate from the PDIP," said Megawati at the Batu Tulis Palace, Bogor, West Java, Friday, April 21.

Megawati was also accompanied by President Joko Widodo and DPR Speaker Puan Maharani. Also present were PDIP DPP chairman Prananda Prabowo and PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.