PSSI Chairman Proposes To Reduce Points For Perpetrators Of Violations In League

JAKARTA - PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir proposed reducing points for perpetrators of violations in the league. Erick hopes that all parties are increasingly aware of the magnitude of their respective responsibilities.The last few matches of Liga 1 for the 2022/2023 season have been tainted with the action of fans of the club who lit flares inside the stadium.If you refer to FIFA regulations, namely FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations article 52 letter C point i and PSSI regulations, namely Article 70 paragraph 1 PSSI Disciplinary Code, then lighting flares is a category of violating regulations."If there are other problems like yesterday, then we just reduce points. So what? The club and supporters feel they have the same responsibility. If the club lacks points of loss, like yesterday Juventus due to administrative problems, they are reduced by 15 points, because there is an administration that is misused where there is a tax accounting system and others," Erick said at a press conference at GBK Arena, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, April 19.So far, those who have been punished if there are spectators who turn on the flare are the club, which is subject to a fine of Rp. 50 million for one case of flare lighting and a fine of Rp. 200 million if many spectators turn on the flare. Even though they have been fined, these cases are still often repeated.The figure who also serves as Minister of SOEs said he had met a number of League 1 participating clubs to discuss this and was welcomed by a number of clubs."What does that mean? We can do something different. As long as there is an agreement. And some of the clubs I called are interested. So that they have the same responsibility. The security forces have a responsibility, the club is responsible, the supporters' friends must be proud," he said.In addition, for licensing the league match, Erick said that President Joko Widodo and the police had stated their commitment to help smooth the competition next season."If the system is not neat, don't blame the police if the permit is not issued. Even though we already have an agreement. I and the National Police Chief and the President have asked all permission to leave three months before the match. There has been a statement from the President," he said.