More And More Homecomers In Cianjur's South Direction Are Seen On The Peak Route

JAKARTA - Travelers to the southern region of Cianjur, are starting to increase. Especially before night and early morning, four-wheeled vehicles from outside the city such as Jabodetabek and outside West Java are dominated.

Judging from Antara, vehicles with the characteristics of going home that pass on the main Puncak-Cianjur route, have increased towards various cities/regencies in West Java, Central Java to East Java who choose the usual route because they can stop by various regions.

Even dozens of vehicles with the characteristics of going home were seen using a number of resting places while waiting for breaking the fast and resting before continuing their journey to their hometowns such as courtyards of mosques, gas stations and pam posts.

While entering D-4 Lebaran, vehicles with the characteristics of going home to the southern region of Cianjur, began to increase, dominated by four-wheeled vehicles with the number Jakarta, Bogor and Tangerang, and followed by two-wheeled vehicles which were more than 30 vehicles every minute.

Dozens of officers at two Pam posts on the southern route of Cianjur have been alerted and are ready to provide a sense of security and comfort for travelers passing by. Even some of the Polsek along the route provide a resting place for travelers, including at Pam Posts.

The Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan, said that entering the D-4 Lebaran, vehicles with the characteristics of going home on the Cianjur homecoming route, have increased, especially in the evening and early morning with the aim of cities/districts in West Java and Central Java.

"Entering the fourth day before Eid, the flow of vehicles traveling to Cianjur south began to run smoothly, it is estimated that there will be a peak on D-2 Lebaran, two Pam posts have been prepared along the southern homecoming route to provide services for residents and travelers," he said.

His party appealed to travelers and road users with the aim of the southern region to remain alert and alert because most of the routes to the south are prone to landslides and ground movement and flooding when it rains heavily.