Ahead Of The 2023 Eid Homecoming Flow, The Ministry Of PUPR Ensures That The Pansela Line Is Ready For Homecoming

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has prepared the Jalan Lintas Pansela Selatan (Pansela) Jawa as an alternative route for Eid 2023 travelers, next to the Trans Java Toll Road, North Coast Cross Road (Pantura), and Central Cross Java Island.

In addition to good road conditions, travelers can also enjoy beautiful views along the Pansela route, and there are many tourism locations.

Until now, the Ministry of PUPR continues to prepare infrastructure to support the 2023 Eid homecoming better than in previous years, given the high enthusiasm of travelers after the absence of a restriction policy.

Later, it is hoped that the Pansela Cross Road can be an alternative for travelers, so that the traffic load can be divided and does not accumulate on toll roads or the Pantura Cross and Central Java Cross.

"For that, I invite the public to take advantage of this Pansela Street, a road with beautiful views that pass through many beach tourist sites. The scenery is beautiful and instagramable, for those who pass this route, hopefully the Lebaran holiday will become memorable with their families," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono in a written statement, Tuesday, April 18.

As support for the smooth flow of homecoming and the backflow of Lebaran 2023, the Ministry of PUPR has prepared the Sapta Taruna Homecoming Post on the Pansela Line starting from Banten Province, West Java, Central Java, DI Yogyakarta to East Java.

The posts that have been prepared are 503 posts, each equipped with guard officers and emergency response equipment, such as dump trucks with 3 units, pick up 1 unit, stamp 1 unit, jack hazard 1 unit, and backhoe loader 1 unit.

The location of the Lebaran Homecoming Post of the Ministry of PUPR, including the Cijulang-Greenaris Highway section of Jalan Cimerak- Pangandaran City Boundary (Pansela in West Java), Daendels Street, Sawah, Depokrejo, Purworejo Regency (Pansela in Central Java), and the Tepus-Jerukwudel Section of Gunung Kidul Regency (Pansela Region DI Yogyakarta).

The post will provide information about Pansela, and facilities for rest such as toilets and prayer rooms, as well as in anticipation of disasters.

In general, the Pansela route stretches from Banten Province to East Java. The Pansela section in Banten Province stretches from the Labuhan-Batas intersection section of West Java Province along 169.5 km, West Java Province with a section from the Banten-Sindang Barang Provincial Limit to the Central Java Provincial Limit along 417.1 km.

Then, the Pansela Cross Road in Central Java Province with sections starting from the West Java-Congot-Duwet Provincial Limit to Glonggong along 212.5 km.

Selanjutnya, di Provinsi DI. Yogyakarta dengan ruas Karang Nongko-Legundi hingga Duwet sepanjang 120,8 Km. Terakhir, ruas-ruas di Provinsi Jawa Timur dengan ruas Panggul-Sendangbiru-Jarit-Puger hingga Glenmore sepanjang 627,6 Km.

Meanwhile, Head of the Central Java National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) Wida Nurfaida said, for Pansela in Central Java from a total length of 212.5 km, the route that has been handled is 168.7 km, so that it is still left for Central Java along 43.77 km.

Wida said that the route had not been handled in the Prohibition-Adipala-Father/Bodo section for 29.74 km and the 14.03 km father/Bodo-Jladri segment. "So, in the combined progress 80 percent has been built and while the rest are currently under construction," he said.

Although there is still work left, Wida ensures that it will not be an obstacle for travelers. "The PUPR Ministry Team together with Korlantas Polri and local governments will divert vehicle users and connect with the nearest national road or connected district/provincial roads," he concluded.