Presenting A World Class Digital Experience, Indosat Launches SheHacks Program 2023

JAKARTA As an effort to realize its mission to provide a world-class digital experience, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Indosat) has re-launched the SheHacks 2023 program with three new programs. The goal is to reduce the digital gap for Indonesian women in the fields of economy, education, health, and the environment through the use of technology.

"Women are the main actors of MSMEs in Indonesia. It is very important to support them through the advantages of inclusive digital technology, because it is projected that 64 percent of MSMEs will go digital in 2027," said President Director and CEO of Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison,ria Sinha on its official website, quoted Monday, April 17.

SheHacks 2023 will present three programs, namely SheHacks Innovate, an offline workshop for Indosat and Kemenparekraf cooperation for two days to help novice entrepreneurs solve problems and develop customer-focused innovations.

There is also SheHacks Impact, a six-month program for startup founders launching products in the MVP category (minimum variable product) stage to be improved. While the She(Hacks) Improve program will provide access to participants to be able to use various learning videos that include the knowledge they need to know in order to develop their running business.

The selected participants will present their ideas on the SheHacks website with a presentation of 5 minutes which will then be selected by the audience. Later, the 3 best participants will get appreciation and win prizes.

The role of women as agents of change in the tourism sector is very influential on Indonesia's economic growth. The rise of the national economy, especially in the creative economy, is partly due to the increasing number of empowered women who are also MSME actors," said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Bintang Puspayoga, said that the SheHacks program can provide wider space, not only for entrepreneurial women in developing products but also for women who provide solutive and innovative ideas to realize gender equality in Indonesia.

"This is in line with the President's priority program in the field of entrepreneurship to make women empowered, children protected, and Indonesia advanced," added Bintang.

Launched in 2020, SheHacks received more than 1,300 proposals and succeeded in empowering more than 8,600 women in technology throughout Indonesia. Indonesian women can participate in SheHacks 2023 individually and in groups, with a maximum number of 3 people.