Stories Of People Choosing To Go Home Faster: Let's Relax And Feel Comfortable

JAKARTA - The routes that are usually traversed by travelers seem to start to get busy on D-7 Lebaran 2023. A number of people chose to return to their hometowns early.

As did the travelers from Bekasi, M Iskhar. The man who traveled to Payakumbuh, West Sumatra, was deliberately going home early to avoid traffic jams.

"Today our family decided to go home early to prevent traffic jams, so we can relax more in driving," he said, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 15.

He said that on the way to using a private car to his hometown there were no obstacles faced. He only queued for a long time when he was about to use a ferry.

"During this 11 hour journey there are no obstacles. Only earlier on the ship had to wait 1.5 hours after it was smooth and all supporting facilities at the port, the toll road was quite comfortable for travelers departing early like us," he said.

He said that during the first homecoming trip after the COVID-19 pandemic was present, many facilities at transportation nodes were improved to be better than the homecoming period in previous years.

"Many things have changed, and are being finished for the better than in the previous year. It is hoped that these improvements will continue to be carried out and will not stop before Eid homecoming but can be done in normal days," he said.

Another response was said by one of the users of public transportation, Rusbiyati. He deliberately took additional leave so he could return early to his hometown.

"I deliberately took additional leave yesterday to go home early to Jambi. And this is the first homecoming after COVID-19 subsided, I tried to return to the village by bus," said Rusbiyati.

He said that overall public transportation facilities and services in the form of inter-provincial buses are quite comfortable and safe for travelers traveling alone.

"Incidentally, going alone and the bus is quite safe, comfortable because it seems that it has been prepared for this homecoming period. Then it was like when riding the ship was quite comfortable, because it had not jostled because it was homecoming early," he added.

He hopes that with good and structured preparation in anticipating a surge in the number of travelers in the 2023 homecoming period by the government, it can provide comfort to travelers from various regions.

"So far it is quite good, he wants this to be maintained, so people are comfortable using public transportation to travel," he said again.