7 Typical Foods For Eid In Indonesia That Can't Be Absent On The Food Table, Number 1 And 3 Most Awaited

YOGYAKARTA Eid al-Fitr celebrations feel incomplete if not served typical foods of Eid at the dining table.

After performing ied prayers, usually Indonesian Muslims perform the tradition of apologizing and praying between families. Followed by eating typical foods of Eid together.

So, what are the typical foods of Eid in Indonesia that never miss the dining table? Summarized from various sources, here is the full information.

Ketupat is a food made from rice wrapped in woven leaves of young coconut.

Usually ketupat is eaten with chicken opor made from chicken dagig which is made in coconut milk.

Ketupat and chicken opor are among the most anticipated foods during Eid. This food is almost never absent from becoming the Eid menu for the Indonesian people.

This typical Padang culinary, West Sumatra is a food that is already global. This delicious meat dish was even named the Best Food in CNN's 50 Best World Foods in July 2017.

Rendang can usually be made from beef or buffalo using various spices. This food is produced from the cooking process that is repeatedly heated with coconut coconut coconut milk.

The seasonings that are usually used in rendang include chili, cayenne pepper, lengkuas, turmeric, ginger and onions. Rendang has a mixture of various spices, but the dominant taste is salt, sweet, and savory.

Similar to ketupat and chicken opor, potato fried sambal ati is also the most anticipated food during Eid. The reason is, this food is suitable to be mixed with various menus of Indonesian cuisine.

During Eid, potato fried sambal is often a companion to chicken opor. This fried sambal creation is generally added to the cow's heart to complement it. If you want more economical, the cow's heart can be replaced with the heart of ampela chicken.

The next typical food for Eid in Indonesia is vegetable sugar. This dish can be an alternative if you are tired of eating meat-based foods.

Vegetables that are usually made into vegetable juices are usually cassava, spinach, jackfruit, and various other green vegetables. The ingredients are made from coconut milk, turmeric, onions, lengkuas, ginger, and turquoise.

Next up is meat. You shouldn't miss this food if it's served at the dining table during Eid.

This dish provides pleasure with a magical touch of beef and coconut base-based spices that are thin cut. This dish is perfect for those of you who want side dishes without too much soup.

Semur is a boiled meat dish that is processed with a thick brown sauce. The mouthwash is made from soy sauce, shallots, garlic, nutmeg and other spices.

Semur usually contains beef, chicken and potatoes. The contents of the mouth can also vary, such as adding tempeh, eggs, tofu, fish, and other ingredients according to taste.

Lodeh is a typical Central Java food that is often a dish during Eid. This food is liked by many people because it tastes good. In addition, the process of cooking vegetables is also not difficult.

The ingredients in making lodeh include siam labus, long beans, terong, tempeh, and chili. The above food ingredients are very refreshing and suitable to be combined with sasing, emals, and eggs.

This is information about typical foods of Eid in Indonesia that should not be absent from the food table. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.