Reasons For The Importance Of Using Solar Tabir Every Day

JAKARTA - With the increasing temperature and summer coming soon, everyone must realize how important it is to wear sunscreen. The benefits of sunscreen are more than just protecting the skin from the sun.

In addition, it is very important to add sunscreen recommended by dermatologists into daily skin care if you see any new black spots or spots on the skin to protect yourself from UV rays that damage the skin.

Launching the Times of India, Friday, April 14, here are the descriptions of the benefits of using sunscreen.

Repeated sunlight exposure can damage your elastin, collagen, and skin cells if only given little or no protection at all. Signs of premature aging such as changes in skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles, and rough facial skin appearance can eventually be caused by repeated sun exposure. Without protection from sunlight, people tend to age before their time or photoaging, especially those in their 20s and 30s. But regular use of sunscreen can reduce photoaging and prevent signs of premature aging.

When exposed to UV radiation, epidermis can become red and swollen. Direct exposure to UV rays that damage the skin worsens skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea and can worsen these conditions. The sunscreen application regularly lowers the possibility of inflammation caused by this dangerous beam. If you have sensitive skin that tends to redden, look for sunscreens that contain soft chemicals such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

Wearing sunscreen every day, even when it rains or cloudy days, is one of the best ways to avoid skin cancer. Statistics show that skin cancer becomes more common among individuals at the age of 70. Using sunscreen several times a day, with an SPF of at least 30 lowering the risk of contracting this disease. For more protection, you can use a higher SPF. If you intend to spend a lot of time outside or do water-based activities, apply sunscreen every two hours.

Tanning is healthy. However, what you have to watch out for is when you sunbathe to get skin tanning, you are at risk exposed to a loud UVB beam. Choose sunscreen that has a sun protection factor of at least 30 to prevent tanning due to UVB. Make sure you apply sunscreen again every two hours, especially if you have sensitive skin. Or use it after exercise, because sweat can remove the protective layer.

Important skin proteins, such as collagen, keratin, and elastin, are protected by sunscreen. This protein is needed to keep the skin smooth and healthy. Make sure your sunscreen contains titanium dioxide to help reflect UV rays from the skin and protect this protein activity.