Shootout With JI Terrorist In Lampung Region, 1 Member Of Densus 88 Shot At Right Thigh

JAKARTA - Members of the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 became victims of a shootout with the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist group in the Lampung area. He was shot in the right thigh."That's right (one member of Densus 88 was shot, ed)," said Densus 88 Anti-terror Police Spokesperson Kombes Aswin Siregar to VOI, Thursday, April 13.However, the identity of Densus 88 members who were also victims of the shootout was not explained. Aswin only said that medical treatment had been given."Still in medical treatment. Alhamdulillah, the condition is stable," he said.The shootout took place in two locations, namely, in the Register Forest area located in Pringsewu Regency, and Sendang Baru Village, Central Lampung Regency, on Wednesday, April 12.In the gun battle, two suspected terrorists of the JI network were killed. However, their identities have not been conveyed on the grounds that they are still in the identification process.
"Two were dealt with firmly, the identity is still in the identification process," said Aswin.