There Are Raffi Ahmad And Atta Halilintar, There Are 8 Public Figures Suspected Of Being Dragged By TPPU Wahyu Kenzo
Eight public figures, including Raffi Ahmad, Atta Halilintar, Stefan William, Rian D'Masiv, Judika, Gus Miftah, dr. Tirta and Haji Faisal (F Fuji's father) are suspected of being involved in the crime of money laundering (TPPU) ATG trading robot by Wahyu Kenzo.
Zainul Arifin as the attorney for the victims revealed the alleged involvement of the eight public figures because he had collaborated with Wahyu Kenzo, who is currently a suspect.
"In addition to several allegations of money laundering by Wahyu Kenzo and his friends in terms of ATG trading robots, there are efforts he made, one of which is embezzling their assets," said Zainul Arifin at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Headquarters on Tuesday, April 11.
"When we track, in 2021, that is the involvement of public figures, which in our opinion is the result of Wahyu Kenzo's crime and must be legally held accountable," he continued.
The lawyer for the victim of the ATG trading robot said that Raffi Ahmad's involvement and two other names occurred when the public figures became brand ambassadors (BA) of a product related to Wahyu Kenzo.
Raffi Ahmad, Atta Halilintar and Stefan William received endorsements or brand ambassadors from nutritional health products. They are BA and the CEO is his wife Wahyu Kenzo, Anggi," said Zainul.
Similar to the three names above, Rian D'Masiv and Judika are also BAs of similar products where the CEO of the company that produces it is Wahyu Kenzo himself.
Rian D'Masiv and Judika, they are brand ambassadors of nutritional products that are part of PT Panskay. There is the CEO Wahyu Kenzo directly," said the lawyer.
Meanwhile, three other names, Gus Miftah, dr. Tirta and Haji Faisal, said Zainul Arifin, were involved in the auction as Atta Halilintar had in the Net89 case.
"Gus Miftah auctioned the blangkon for Rp900 million, then dr. Tirta auctioned a motorbike of Rp120 million and Haji Faisal received an auction result of Rp400 million," he said.
Claiming to represent 820 victims of ATG trading robots which he said suffered a loss of Rp150 billion, Zainul hopes that the public figures will have good faith to reveal the events that occurred.
"Therefore, we hope that these public figures with good faith will help us, the victims and investigators to reveal that this legal incident is clear and can return the assets of the victims," concluded Zainul Arifin.