Ricky Harun's Hope In Ramadan This Year

JAKARTA - Ricky Harun shared his experience of fasting Ramadan this time. He admitted that this year's Ramadan had no significant difference.

"It's the same, like Ramadan before, there was nothing much different," said Ricky Harun when met in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Monday, April 10.

However, the husband of Herfiza Novianti has his own hopes for Ramadan 2023. He hopes that his worship will be full of blessings and better than the previous year. He also prayed to be reunited with fasting next year.

"(The hope is) even better from yesterday, I want to meet again the fasting month of the following year," said Ricky Harun.

In addition, he also hopes to be more involved in doing good. In this Ramadan, Ricky Harun as a representative of KAHF Bro was involved in a program that was being carried out by self-care products for the man.

The father of four was involved in the #TerjalanBerKahf campaign for the construction of mosques in remote areas. As Billy Dharmawan as the Brand Manager of KAHF said, many Muslims have not been properly facilitated to worship. This is an issue that is his focus.

So far, the restoration of the Al-Kahf Mosque in Lembor District, West Manggarai Regency has been carried out. The restoration of the mosque, which has been established since the 1960s, is expected to provide more comfort for local residents to carry out their worship.

In the future, Billy Dharmawan is committed to continuing to strive to help Muslims in various parts of Indonesia who still need it.

Ricky Harun enthusiastically welcomed his involvement in the campaign. He hopes that more people will be helped. On the other hand, he also hopes that there will be people who are more moved to help others.

"I am very inspired by this campaign. Representing Kahf Bro, I appreciate efforts to facilitate the community to do good and raise public awareness of an existing problem. The spirit of brotherhood in Ramadan can motivate people to take action to help others as a form of the mandate of worship," concluded Ricky Harun.