Cinta Concert Towards Lailatul Qadar Held At GKJ, Shows Ex-Vokalis Power Metal

JAKARTA - NUPro Music is ready to hold a "Love Concert Towards Lailatul Qadar" at the Jakarta Arts Building (GKJ), Pasar Baru area, Central Jakarta on April 11 tomorrow as an offering to pick up the moment of Lailatur Qadar. This concert presents a series of musicians including former Power Metal vocalist Arul Evansyah, Fatin Shidqia Lubis, Anisa Rahman, Sastro Adi, Ega HQ, Wafiq Azizah, Dadang W Saputra and cultural Abdullah Wong. NULight Orchestra will accompany music throughout the concert. "We want to bring the coolness of Ramadan night together to pick up Lailatul Qadar through music," said the main head of the concert and General Chairperson of the Pagar Nusa Nabil Haroen Central Leader, quoted from Antara, Monday.

He said through music, inviting as many parties as possible to get the intimacy of Ramadan and hopes that this concert will be part of the friendship between parties. "This concert is not just music. We create spaces for friendship between parties, bring together those who are longing and together enjoy Ramadan nights," said Nabil.. But, by jointly enjoying music at the concert Towards Lailatul Qadar, "said the musician who once worked at Power Metal, Blackout and several Indonesian music groups.

Sastro Adi hopes that all parties can feel the peace of Ramadan, not only Muslims, but also all parties, even interfaith.

Previously, through the momentum of the One Century Nahdlatul Ulama in February 2023, NUPro Music released 12 theme songs by KH. Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus). These twelve songs were sung by Arul Efansyah, Wafiq Azizah, Anisa Rahman, Abah Lala, Los Teposanos, Deden Feat Maura, Ardha Tatu, NU Acoustic Version, Ning Raabiatul Bisyriyah, Yudit Nurvita and rebana Ponpes al Huda Boyolali.