Assisted By Marion Jola, Dennis Talakua Release Single Signs With Lucky

JAKARTA - Starting from music directors, producers and sessions player several great musicians, now Dennis Talakua has released a new song with Lucky, entitled Sign on March 1.

The song, written with Marion Jola and Rezo Mesah, is packaged in a progressive pop style. As for the musical arrangement, Dennis Talakua tries to combine electronic music with organic music.

"Because I'm instrumental basically. I'm not confident in singing. I prefer to make melodies and lyrics, then sung by other people. I'm looking for someone else to sing my song whose vocal character matches the song I made," he said in a written statement received by the editor.

"And Lucky was one of my students at the music teaching place. After more than 5 years, met again and it turned out that he was still playing music. I saw his vocal character according to this song, I invited him to collaborate on this song," he said.

In addition, this song tells about a sense of optimism for achieving love. A sense of which lately, maybe rarely even rarely is found in a person.

This song comes from the story of 3 people, namely me, Marion Jola and Rezo Mesah. The music was already there, then I talked to them. How do I want a song to tell a man who is desperate to get a girl," he said.

"Then we perfect this song with lyrics that relate to the condition of today's confident boys," explained Dennis.

Dennis admitted that the production period for this song was delayed by 1 year due to the pandemic at that time. The process of working on music and the lyrics actually only took about 4 months.

For the recording process, Lucky underwent a workshop with Dennis Talakua and Marion Jola as Vocal Director in this song.

When I was offered to collaborate on this song, I was immediately interested because this is a rare opportunity. Even though I have known Dennis for a long time, I also know very well that he is a reliable musician who has collaborated with many great Indonesian singers," said Lucky.

"In the studio too, Sis Dennis gave me a lot of direction. For vocals, I was assisted by Kak Lala (Marion), because this song is quite tricky in performing it, in theverse and chorus and there is a different modulation," concluded Lucky.