Ministry Of Energy And Mineral Resources Offers 3 WK Migas Phase I Year 2023

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Oil and Gas (Ditjen Migas) announced the Offering of Phase I Oil and Gas Working Areas in 2023 for 3 working areas (WK) namely WK Akia, WK Beluga and WK Bengara I.

"There are 3 WKs that we are currently offering. 2 WKs are offered with a direct offering mechanism and 1 WK through direct offers without a joint study in accordance with applicable regulations," said Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji at a press conference, Monday, April 10.

Tutuka detailed that the first WK was WK Akia which is located off the coast of North Kalimantan, which is an Exploration WK with an estimated resource of 2 billion barrels of oil (BBO) oil and 9 trillion cubic feet (TCF) gas. WK Akia has an area of 8,394.05 sq km.

"The location of the Akia WK is close to several WK whose hydrocarbon potential has been proven, such as Tarakan, Bunyu and Nunukan," continued Tutuka.

The minimum definite commitment for WK Akia is the acquisition and processing study of 3D 750Km2. This WK is offered using a contract-sharing scheme for cost recovery results.

The second WK is the Beluga WK located off the Natuna Barat Beach is an Exploration WK with an estimated resource of 360 million barrels of oil (MMBO) oil and 50 gas cubic feet (BCF) billion. The location of this Beluga WK is close to the South Natuna Sea Block B, Duyung, Natuna Sea Block A, Shrimp and Kakap, where the oil and gas WK-WK has been proven to have hydrocarbon potential.

"This WK has an area of 8,472.44 km. The minimum definite commitment for the Beluga WK is the study of G&G and the drilling of 1 exploration well," added Tutuka.

This WK is offered using a cost recovery and open bid sharing contract scheme for signature bonuses.

The third is WK Bengara I which is located in the North Kalimantan Plateau, which is an Exploration WK with an estimated resource of 90 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) oil and gas. The location is also adjacent to the WK whose hydrocarbon potential has been proven to be like the Simenggaris WK with natural gas production.

"This WK offering has a definite commitment to the study of G&G and drilling 1 exploration well and is offered with a cost recovery sharing contract scheme," continued Tutuka.

As for the auction schedule for the direct bid auction of Akia and Beluga and the direct auction without a study with WK Bengara I, the document access schedule will start on April 10, 2023 to May 8, 2023 and the deadline for submitting the auction documents on May 9, 2023.