West Sumatra Provincial Government Repairs Bukittinggi Drainage To Control Floods

The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has repaired the underground water flow or drainage as an effort to control flooding in Bukittinggi City."The by pass area and the Manggis area are one of the areas that often floods when it rains on Bukittinggi. To control this, the government has repaired drainage," said Head of the Bukittinggi Room Planning Public Works Agency Ebyuleris in Bukittinggi, as reported by Antara, Monday, April 10.This drainage improvement was carried out by the West Sumatra Provincial Government with a budget for this work coming from the 2023 State Budget of IDR 9.5 billion.The locations of the work are on several roads in Bukittinggi, namely on the By Pass II road, for the Syahrir, Simpang Aur Kuning, and Simpang By Pass Anak Air routes."This is based on the route, which is the provincial route, so it is the responsibility of the provincial government through the West Sumatra Provincial Road Infrastructure Service Work Unit," he said.According to him, this drainage repair is carried out to reduce the possibility of flooding that often occurs during high rainfall and long durations."The goal will be to control the soil surface, soil erosion, and prevent road damage, as well as existing buildings," he said.He said the work was carried out by PT Javier Indoraya Perdana, who in his contract began working on February 10, 2023."The implementation period is 300 calendar days or until November 2023. For that we, on behalf of the Bukittinggi City Government, apologize for this inconvenience," he said.
He expects motorists to be able to use alternative routes to avoid congestion due to the work. "Like the Pulai hiking trail that penetrates the direction of Lakuang and other routes, we ask for patience for a while," he said.