5 Facts About The Cirata Floating PLTS, The Largest In Southeast Asia And Able To Supply 50,000 Houses Of Electricity

PLN Nusantara Power targets the Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) to operate in early 2024. Currently, project completion is in the construction stage. There are a number of facts about the Cirata Floating PLTS that need to be known.

"Hopefully by the end of this year, the hope is yes, or at the latest next year it might be operational," said Zubaidah, PLN NP's Corporate Secretary, in a friendly event with the media recently.

The Cirata Floating PLTS development project had to be late from the target due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This project is a historical record for Indonesia because it will operate the largest floating PLTS in Southeast Asia, as well as the second largest in the world. What are the facts about PLTS Floating Cirata?

The Cirata Floating PLTS project has reached 45 percent of the construction process and is targeted to be completed by the end of 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the construction of this PLTS, which was originally targeted to be delayed by 2022. The following are a number of facts from the Cirata Floating PLTS, which is a major national project.

The Cirata Floating PLTS will become the largest Floating PLTS in Southeast Asia. In fact, this project is the second largest Floating PLTS in the world. Previously, the Cirata Reservoir had become a Hydroelectric Power Center (PLTA) which had been operating for a long time. This PLTS is planned to have a capacity of 145 MWac.

The Cirata PLTS was built between 1982 and 1987. This hydropower plant stems the Citarum River and Cisokan River with an area of 43,777.6 hectares. This hydropower plant has the status of the largest hydropower plant in Indonesia and the second in Southeast Asia after the hydropower plant in Vietnam.

Based on publications from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Cirata Floating PLTS is targeted to generate 245 million kWh of energy per year. This PLTS is planned to be able to supply electricity to 50,000 houses.

The Cirata Floating PLTS will be operated by PMSE (Java Bali Masdar Solar Energy Generation). PMSE is a Project Company formed by a consortium of PLN's business grandchildren, namely PJBI with a company from the United Arab Emirates, Masdar.

Ida Zubaidah said the Cirata Floating PLTS project was an effort by the company to support the government's move to increase the portion of EBT in power plants in Indonesia to 23 percent by 2025.

"Hopefully by the end of this year, or at the latest next year it will be operational. This (general) EBT. The form of PLN Nusantara Power's commitment to continue to realize EBT," said Ida in a meeting with the media.

The Cirata Floating PLTS project was carried out by PLN NP in collaboration with a new renewable energy company from the United Arab Emirates, Masdar. The investment value of the PLTS development reached 129 million US dollars.

The Cirata Floating PLTS project is also the first floating PLTS development in Indonesia to add an electricity system in the Java and Bali regions. This PLTS project is one of 11 business deals exchanged in front of President Jokowi.

The Floating Photovoltaic (PV) system at PLTS Terapung Cirata is a new trend because it has a number of advantages. By optimizing the use of reservoirs, the construction of power plants can avoid land use.

In addition, this development also provides other advantages, such as reducing evaporation, completing water power, and increasing energy yields by up to 10 percent due to lower environmental temperatures.

Such is the review of the fact that the Cirata Floating PLTS is targeted to operate in early 2024. It is hoped that the construction of this PLTS can be an example for the development of EBT plants above reservoirs in other areas.

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