Checking Lebaran Transportation, Minister Of Transportation Budi Asks Kapolda To Stop Buses That Have Not Ramp Checked

JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi asked the Kapolda and the Chief of Police to enforce the law in the field if found vehicles that are not good and violate the conditions determined ahead of the Eid al-Fitr flow and back in 2023. This was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation Budi while reviewing the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Jakarta, together with the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy, and PJ Governor of DKI Heru Budi Hartono on Sunday 9 April. The checks carried out at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal were checking the documents for vehicle feasibility tests, KIR, the validity period of vehicle numbers, brake conditions and bus engine conditions, as well as checking exhaust gas emissions. I have asked the Kapolda and Kapolres to enforce the law. So, if there are buses caught not yet at the ramp check, they will be dismissed at that place as well, instead of the bus. This has been done from year to year,' he said in an official statement, Monday, April 10. Budi said this step was important considering that the number of travelers using buses this year is predicted to increase. Based on current ticket sales data, continued Budi, departures towards the Central Java and East Java regions began to increase 30 percent compared to the previous year. In addition to public buses, said Budi, tourism buses also need attention. The reason is, according to police data, the most land accidents occur from tourism buses because many of them are not well maintained. Collaboration and coordination with the Police and the DKI Jakarta Government are already very good. I think the cooperation between all government lines and the community must be carried out to make success in the implementation of Eid Transportation this year,' he said. Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy hopes that this picking test can describe all of the vehicles that will depart from several bases in DKI Jakarta.