Houses, Health Facilities, And Schools In Gaza Destroyed By Israeli Attacks

JAKARTA - A number of infrastructures in Gaza such as homes, health facilities and schools were destroyed on Friday as a result of Israeli forces attacks in the Gaza Strip, according to the testimony of a Palestinian citizen and a number of officials.

Israeli bombings also caused damage to a number of agricultural land and vehicles, Anadolu reported.

Not only that, Israeli attacks at night also caused damage to Al Durrah Children's Hospital in the east of Gaza City. The attack left no injuries, the Ministry of Health in Gaza said in a statement.

"Israeli attacks have created confusion and fear among medical staff, sick children and their companions," the statement said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 8.

The Ministry of Education in Gaza also announced the damage to one of its facilities to the east of Gaza as a result of the attack.

Civil Defense in Gaza said Israeli bombardment on agricultural land east of Gaza City had also caused a house to be destroyed, without any casualties.

A resident in the Tuffah region in the eastern part of Gaza, Abu Maher, said that a series of major explosions from an Israeli attack occurred on Friday morning.

"We do not understand the motive behind the attacks on civilian population," he said.

Israeli forces launched airstrikes in Gaza on Friday morning in retaliation for rocket fire from Lebanon.

Israeli troops on Thursday said at least 30 rockets were fired from the southern part of Lebanon into Israel.

This situation came after Israeli forces stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque complex in the occupied area of East Jerusalem. They forcibly expelled Palestinian worshipers from the mosque for two consecutive nights.