PLN Invites Five Private Companies To Build Electricity To Downstream Industry

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) cooperates with five strategic partners in the achievement target of providing electricity supply of 4,000 megawatts (MW) to support the acceleration of industrial downstream.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said that in this collaboration, electricity sources are produced through clean and renewable energy (EBT).

"We are ready to facilitate all electricity needs in the industrial sector," he said as reported by the official website on Friday, April 7.

According to Darmo, Darmawan Prasodjo's nickname, through the co-investment offered by PLN, the need for electricity can be realized quickly.

"PLN is ready to collaborate and ensure a good investment climate in supporting the industrial sector," he said.

On the same occasion, the Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development of PLN Hartanto Wibowo explained that to be able to develop the industry requires a lot of investment.

"Through this collaboration, we will no longer wait for each other, but proactively we are looking for solutions to achieve what is a common target in our respective business development," he said.

Hartanto described five industries collaborating with PLN this time, namely PT Anugrah Teknik Industri, PT Huadi Nickel-Alloy Indonesia, PT Dayatama Prima Energi, China Energy and PT Suryacipta Swadaya.

It is stated that the synergy built by PLN and strategic partners will be able to ensure the acceleration of the provision of electricity infrastructure, so that the operational targets of smelters and integrated areas can be achieved on time.

"For integrated areas, in addition to reliable and green energy-based electricity, there is also the potential for integrated smart solution development," said Hartanto.