Knowing What Tummy Time Is, An Act That Accelerates Growing Baby Flower

YOGYAKARTA - Tummy time is an important activity that every parent needs to apply to their baby. This activity is very beneficial for the growth and development of their little one. However, there are still many parents who don't know what 'tummy time' is and how to do it, especially young couples or new tenants.
Usually doctors will recommend parents to do aality time within a few days after the baby is born. Tummy time is a fun and beneficial activity for the baby. So what are the benefits of TURNy time and how to do it?
Tummy Time is a practice on the stomach of newborns until the age of a few months. Actually, there is no definite rule at what age the baby should ideally have to do a tummy time.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, tummy time activities should be carried out a few days when the baby is born until the age of a few months. It is recommended for parents not to delay their baby's annual time activities or not to delay them too late.
Tummy time or training on your stomach is an important step for the baby's development. Moreover, prone is the initial position before the baby is able to crawl and walk. Tummy time is useful for increasing muscle and joint strength, as well as training baby motor skills.
Berikut sejumlah manfaat melakukan tummy time sebagai kegiatan parenting pada bayi:
Tummy time activities play a role in increasing muscle strength in the baby's body. When your little one moves to his stomach, the muscles on the neck and shoulders will work. Share will try to move to lift his head.
In addition to the neck and shoulders, the muscles on the baby's chest, shoulders, and arms also move when doing tunnel time. This activity will make the baby's muscles stronger.
The baby's motor skills will also increase by often doing tummy time. Tummy time activities will make the baby train their balance. Tummy time which is done regularly will encourage the baby to quickly crawl, sit, roll over, until it runs slowly.
Another benefit of tummy time activities is to prevent plagiaocephaly. Plagiaocephaly or flat head syndrome is one of the disorders that is often experienced by babies. This condition usually occurs when some of the baby's heads are in flat or puppet shape.
The reason is plagiaocephaly because the baby's sleeping position is the same continuously. By doing a annual time, the baby will not continue to be in a supine position so that the risk of getting plagiaocephaly is minimal.
Tummy time is also useful for increasing head control in babies. Often the weight of the head is one of the reasons why babies have difficulty learning to crawl and sit. This happens because the head is a part of the baby's body whose weight is quite heavy. By doing the annual time, the baby will be more trained to control the head.
Tummy time activities can also prevent the baby's bloating stomach. Stomach bloating is usually experienced by the baby because the digestive tract is not yet working optimally. By doing a dimmy time, it will stimulate the baby's digestive tract so that it can prevent bloating stomach.
How to do tube time on a baby is quite easy. Parents can do this activity after the baby changes to diapers, wakes up for lunch, or after taking a shower. Follow the following tips or steps to do the tunnel time properly.
Demikianlah review tentang apa itu tummy time dan bagaimana cara melakukannya. Tummy time bisa dilakukan dengan mudah setelah sicil perubahan kapang atau mandi. Tummy time merupakan kegiatan penting yang bermanfaat untuk mempercepat pengembangan bayi, yakni pada otosi dan motornya.
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