Sri Mulyani: Fiscal Policy Direction 2024 Accelerates Inclusive And Sustainable Economic Transformation

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the government continued the initial discussion regarding the 2024 State Budget draft before it was submitted to the DPR.

According to the Minister of Finance, next year's economic condition is believed to be better than 2023, although it is still covered by global uncertainty factors. Therefore, the state treasurer revealed that the preparation of fiscal instruments is directed at a more optimistic path.

"The direction of fiscal policy in 2024 is to accelerate inclusive and sustainable economic transformation," he said while speaking at the Central Development Coordination Meeting (Rakorangpus) forum, Thursday, April 6.

The Minister of Finance explained that there are eight important points that the government pays attention to, namely eliminating extreme poverty, reducing stunting, controlling inflation, increasing investment.

Then, improving the quality of human resources, infrastructure development, increasing the added value of natural resources, as well as strengthening deregulation and institutions.

"The expectation of this economic transformation is increased productivity, environmental improvement, to a more inclusive economic base," he said.

The Minister of Finance added, through this basis, it is hoped that Indonesia can become the fifth-largest economy in the world with a per capita income of US$23,199 in the next two decades.

"This will realize Indonesia's vision of advancing in 2045," he said.