The Meaning Of Good Friday For Christians And Examples Of Sentences

YOGYAKARTA Today Christians celebrate Good Friday which in 2023 falls on Friday 7 March. For Christians, Good Friday is a holy day. The government even set April 7 as a holiday. So what does Good Friday mean for Christians?

In its history, Good Friday is a very important day for Christians because that day marks the crossing of Jesus Christ which was carried out in Bukit Golgota. Jesus' crossing was carried out to bear human sins.

In general, the meaning of Good Friday is a holy day as well as a day of grief because of the crossover of Christ, the forgiveness of sins by Christ, and fasting. On that day Christians will hold various series of worship such as fasting, services, sermons in the church, prayers, or sing the song of praise for Jesus.

In Christianity, Good Friday is one of three other holy days, namely Holy Thursday and Easter. Christians will celebrate Easter or the Awakening of Jesus Christ three days after Good Friday. When Easter Christians will worship on Sunday at dawn. As for Catholics, the procession of worship is usually carried out from the evening or Saturday evening until it is called Holy Saturday.

There are at least three meanings of Good Friday for Uat Kritiani in general, namely as follows.

Good Friday is a moment of awareness for Christians that God's forgiveness is very important for mankind. In addition, the sacrifice made by Jesus is how God shows his love for mankind as well as a moment of forgiveness for mankind.

Jesus also taught the people how important love is for life. Jesus also prayed to Allah to forgive all those who did arbitrary things to him, as described in Lukas 23:34:

"Yes Father, forgive them, because they don't know what they're doing."

Good Friday is also a lesson that the suffering experienced by humans is not the end of everything. Jesus also taught that whoever is a human being must be ready to bear the burden and suffering of life that must be lived with struggle. This is as explained in Matthew 16:24:

"Then Jesus said to His students, 'If someone wants to follow Me, he has to deny himself, take his cross and follow Me.'

Good Friday is also interpreted as the first step for mankind to become a better person on another occasion because a person's personality has been formed after successfully passing challenges and obstacles.

When welcoming Good Friday, Christians will usually send text messages or greeting cards that mean prayer and hope. The following are Good Friday greetings that can be conveyed to Christians.

In addition to the meaning of Good Friday for Christians, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.