Pertalite Consumers Whose Subsidy Program List Is Right In Aceh Capai 147,305

JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut noted that until March 28, 2023, the number of registrants who already have the QR Code Subsidy Right in Aceh is 236,977 vehicles.

This number consists of 147,305 Pertalite consumer vehicles and 89,672 Biosolar consumer vehicles.

"From our data, the total number of registrants who have registered their vehicles and obtained QR Code Subsidies is exactly 236,977 vehicles in Aceh. Thank you for the good response from the people of Aceh who have supported and registered the Proper Subsidy Program," said Area Manager Comm, Rel & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Susanto August Satria to the media, Monday, April 3.

He explained that the Proper Subsidy Program aims to record vehicles using Pertalite and Solar.

Through data collection, it is hoped that the distribution of subsidized fuel can be more monitored and prevent fraud or abuse in the field.

So that subsidized fuel is distributed to people who are entitled.

"As a result of this Proper Subsidy Program, we can monitor the movement of certain types of fuel transactions (JBT) and Types of Special Assignment Fuel (JBKP). With the implementation of this program, we can monitor stock conditions and the number of subsidized fuel transactions at gas stations," he said.

For Biosolar purchase transactions this March, there were approximately 144,146 and 152,460 transactions for the purchase of Pertalite.

All of these subsidized fuel purchase transactions already use the QR Code Subsidy Right.

"All transactions are 100 percent already using a QR Code. If the QR Code is lost, damaged or stolen, the public can reset the QR Code. There is no limit on resetting the QR Code," he said.

According to Satria, there are two areas that do not use the QR Code Subsidy Right in Aceh Province, namely Simeulue Island and Sabang Island.

This is because the two islands are included in the Outermost, Outermost, and Disadvantaged Islands (3T).

In addition, the population of cars is also not too much on Simeulue Island and Sabang Island.

"On Simeulue Island and Sabang, the QR Code for Subsidies is not implemented properly because the area is small and includes the island of 3T," he said.

Meanwhile, Sales Area Manager of Retail Pertamina Patra Niaga in the Aceh region, Arwin Agustri Nugraha added, since the implementation of the QR Code Subsidy Right, daily consumption of Biosolar fuel has decreased.

The stock of subsidized fuel at the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) is also sufficient and safe.

"The consumption of Biosolar in February this year is lower than last December. With the implementation of the QR Code Subsidy Right, almost no gas stations are critical of stock because the stock is always larger and adjusts to demand," said Arwin.

In addition, he continued, the use of the Proper QR Code can also see unusual subsidized fuel transactions.

With the digitization system, Pertamina Patra Niaga can record all subsidized fuel transactions including the type of consumer including vehicle number plates.