ChatGPT Controversy: Coinbase CEO Supports AI Chatbot Development

JAKARTA - Brian Armstrong, CEO of the American open crypto exchange Coinbase Global Inc, expressed his objection to the invitation to stop developing ChatGPT, the chatbot developed by OpenAI. In a tweet on his Twitter account, Armstrong said that fear should not limit innovation and progress.

However, Armstrong's objections are considered controversial by more than 1,500 technology leaders, including Elon Musk, who signed an open letter calling for a moratorium on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions over the next 6 months. They argue that AI development could threaten human cognitive functions, cause job loss, and social inequality.

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, a non-profit organization backed by several prominent tech figures, including Elon Musk, who later withdrew from the organization. Although some parties oppose it, Armstrong considers the use of new technology to be more profitable than detrimental.

Armstrong also questioned the authorities of experts' to try this issue, and criticized the committee and bureaucracy he considered unable to solve the problem.

"In this case, I am among the group of people who feel this is not a good idea," Armstrong wrote in his tweet, responding to calls from more than 1,500 tech leaders who signed an open letter calling for a 6-month moratorium on the development of further Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions.

"There is no 'expert' who can solve this problem, and many actors will never agree. Committees and bureaucracy will not solve any problems," added Armstrong.

Armstrong's attitude can be understood because he is one of the pioneers of the crypto exchange business in the US. Although it has been more than a decade, the technology that underlies the market he runs is still experiencing skepticism and rejection from regulators, legislators, and some people.

As a focused new technology veteran, Coinbase Armstrong has begun testing the use of ChatGPT to determine the security review of tokens. As an expert user, Armstrong supports the flow of thought that the goodness generated by AI solutions is much greater than the crimes posed.

"Like many other technologies, there are dangers, but we must move forward with progress because good is far greater than evil. The idea market leads to better results than central planning," he said, adding, "Don't let the fear of stopping progress and be aware of anyone trying to take control of a central authority."

Armstrong supporters call him a person who dares to take risks and continue to advance technology. However, some consider his opinion of ignoring the risks faced by humans by the development of AI technology. In addition, several countries will also begin to consider stopping the use of ChatGPT in the future.