Soaring Passengers, This Airline Introduces A New Feature Of Family Seating In Economic Class

JAKARTA - United Airlines presents a new seat map feature, which will help families under 12 to find common seats for free, the airline announced.

This feature will be available for Economic tickets. This new seat map technology will dynamically find near-Economic seats available at bookings and open free upgrades to other available seats as needed, the airline said.

If side-by-side seats are not available, customers will be able to switch to other flights to their destination with adjacent seats in the same cabin for free. There is no difference in the price to be imposed in such cases, United said in a news release, reported by CNN March 30.

United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby admits the frustration of the family who did not get a seat in an interview with CNBC.

"As the father of seven children, I understand this and have sat far from our children on many flights," Kirby said.

United believes that this new policy will "removing a lot of pressure from the process upfront. So, you book a ticket, you know that you get a seat, rather than having to wait to get to the airport and cross your fingers and hope you can get a seat (by your child)," he said.

United Polaris, Main Class and Plus Economics seats are not included in the new family seating policy changes.

A closer seat option will soon be available at United Airlines. The overall policy change came into effect in early March, the airline said.

It is known that US airline customers have long complained about the seating separating small children from their parents on flights and the additional costs associated with purchasing seats to sit together.

President Biden conveyed the government's efforts to reduce these costs in a state speech in February, by touting the Waste Cost Prevention Act which will also target resort fees and concert ticket fees.

"The cost of baggage is bad enough, they can't treat your child like luggage," President Biden said in his speech.

Previously, the Department of Transportation asked US airlines to provide seating for children next to adults who accompanied at no additional cost, in the announcement of July 2022.

Separately, the American Economic Liberties Project advocacy group praised President Biden's leadership on the matter and asked the government to permanently end the cost of the family seat.

"Under strict scrutiny, United now openly recognizes that family seating costs are a problem - something many other US airlines deny. However, the problem lies with the details, and although United's voluntary action may prove helpful, it is not a substitute for government regulations," William totaled. senior aviation and travel research fellow at the American Economic Liberties Project, in a statement.

In comparison, Delta Air Lines said it "does not charge family seating fees and regardless of the ticket classes purchased, will always work closely with customers based on case-by-case cases to ensure their family seating needs are met."

The Delta website calls the family seat "based on demand," and refers to passengers unable to obtain seats via airline websites or mobile apps to contact the Reservation. Delta's seat map technology blocks several areas for family seating up to 48 hours before flight.

Meanwhile, airline American Airlines is offering booking tips on its website for families traveling with children under 15, provided that "the sooner you order, the better."

Meanwhile, Southwest Airlines, which has no special seating, families with 6-year-old or younger children are allowed to rise early - right after the "A" passenger group. The airline's website also offers an EarlyBird Check-in option at a certain cost that can generate the "A" group's boarding position.