DKPP Has Handled 241 Complaints Of Election Ethics Violations, 12 Reports Remaining

JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) revealed that it has handled 241 complaint reports regarding violations of the election organizers' code of ethics (KEPP).

"Of the 253 KEPP complaints that came to us, 241 have been handled and the remaining 12 have not been handled," said DKPP member Tio Aliansyah in Bandar Lampung, Monday, March 27, as reported by Antara.

He continued, of the 241 complaints, 98 cases had been processed for material verification and 77 cases were in the filing and delegation stages to court.

Tio said that at this time there was a shift in trend because not only had the election started, reports about KEPP had been submitted to the DKPP a lot.

The types of alleged KEPP violations reported are divided into three groups, namely the stages of elections/elections, non-operational elections/elections, and not complaints.

"Recorded reports to us that have been widely received so far are related to the recruitment of adhoc bodies, be it the sub-district election committee (PPK) or Panwaslu in the sub-district. This report is already 206," he said.

Then, there are also six reports on the stages of registration and election verification, recapitulation of the vote count of one report. Then the recruitment or filling of the position of the organizing secretariat there are three complaints.

Other complaint reports are the selection of two provincial/city/city KPU members, the selection of provincial/district/city Bawaslu members one complaint, one case legislative PAW, one case dismissal of adhoc election organizers, six case secretariat performance, 13 immoral acts, and a dual of 12 cases.

"Why did DKPP seem to have been in the trial for KEPP violations because there was a process that had to be carried out, such as administrative verification that had to be fulfilled," he said.

In fact, before conducting the trial, all incoming reports will also be re-analyzed whether it is appropriate to be examined in court or not so it will take a lot of time.

"So, we don't prioritize one case, no. Who used to be a report, it will take precedence. Everything is carried out by administrative verification and so on so that everyone has to wait," he said.