The Condition Of Police Members Who Survived The KST Attack In Papua, Head Of Public Relations: Shooting Wounds On Thighs

JAKARTA - After receiving a gunshot wound during an attack in front of the Al-Amaliah Ilu Mosque, Puncak Jaya Regency, the condition of one of the Polri members who managed to survive still looks stable.

"Currently, Brigpol M. Arif Hidayat is conscious," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, March 26.

It is not yet known about the motive for the terrorist act of assault and shooting allegedly carried out by the Terrorist Separatist Group (KST) against the public and the security forces.

As a result of the attack, two members of the TNI and Polri died. Meanwhile, another member of the National Police managed to survive.

"Members of Brigpol M.Arif Hidayat suffered gunshot wounds to the thigh," he said.

The incident occurred when 18 personnel from the joint TNI and Polri officers carried out security for a combination of tarawih prayers in front of the Al-Amaliah mosque.

"After the shooting incident, 3 members were taken to the Mulia Regional General Hospital (RSUD)," he said.