Khofifah Proposed To Be Anies Vice Presidential Candidate, NasDem: We Need Other Strengths

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPP NasDem Party, Effendy Choirie alias Gus Choi, did not deny the PKS statement which stated that his party proposed the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) to accompany Anies Baswedan. According to Gus Choi, the Coalition for Amendments to Unity (KPP) which was announced yesterday wanted victory in the 2024 presidential election. So the coalition needs to be open to political parties or other figures outside the three participating parties. "I do not justify or reject (Kofifah's proposal). But we want to be open and invite other forces to join," Gus Choi told reporters, Saturday, March 25.

Gus Choi explained that although KPP already has a base capital of 3 parties, namely NasDem, Democratic Party, and PKS, the coalition needs additional power bases from other parties or even mass organizations that have a long history. "The more involved in the Change Coalition is getting better, the more afdol," he added.

However, Gus Choi believes, Anies already has the name of the vice president who is already compatible with him.

"The name of the vice presidential candidate is in Mas Anies' heart," said Gus Choi. Previously, Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Sohibul Iman, said that each political party in the Change Coalition had proposed the name of the Vice President Anies. Starting from party cadres to other potential figures.

He also mentioned that NasDem proposed the Governor of East Java who is also an activist in NU Khofifah Indar Parawansa as a vice presidential candidate to accompany Anies Baswedan.

"Actually, the names have been circulating. What is clear is that from PKS there is Kang Aher, from Democrats there is AHY, from NasDem there is Mrs. Khofifah, even before there was Mr. Andika. Then there is also Mbak Yenny, it also appears," said Sohibul Iman at the Change Secretariat in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, February 24.