
BANJARMASIN - 兰邦芒库拉特大学(ULM)的研究员在库里亚克岛上发现了一种稀有动物,即北干丹研究站和南加里曼丹巴里托瓜拉摄政的湿地生态系统“Sutarto Hadi”。“这种独特而珍稀的鸟栖息在一棵木屑树(Planchonia valida)的树枝上,女性父母和她的孩子非常大,”10月9日星期日,安塔拉班贾尔马辛贝坎坦研究站的经理Amalia Rezeki说。他承认,经过在研究站区域进行了五年的研究,这是他第一次看到棕色或灰色皮毛的犀鸟。“我以前在澳大利亚的动物园见过,但它的规模更大,”他说。根据形态学观察,阿梅尔说,蝙蝠鲷属鸟类。根据文献,流行于“蛙嘴”一词的鸟类被归类为夜间动物或夜间活动,是加里曼丹的特有物种,生活在低矮的林地,其中之一是红树林。阿梅尔说,大多数食虫鸟类经常在白天(昼夜)进行活动。而食虫鸟类在夜间活动只有两个部落,如卡巴克鸟(蜈蚣科)和青蛙喙鸟。与此同时,印度尼西亚生物多样性研究与保护中心维尔德尔夫保护的从业者Ferry F. Hoesain表示,犀鸟被列入世界自然保护联盟国际保护研究所的红色名录。 < Near Threated" (nearly endangered) because their existence in the wild continues to decline population.Ferry hopes that the presence of frog beak birds in the Bekantan Research Station area can be well maintained considering that this Kalimantan endemic bird is quite rare.Moreover, this scientific journal about birds is very minimal, so further research is needed on the population and behavior of these birds to support their conservation efforts.He also admitted that habitat damage was the main cause of the decline in the population of frog beak birds, making it increasingly difficult to find.For this reason, efforts from the government are needed to protect rare and endemic birds in order to avoid extinction."The role of the community is also expected to maintain the survival of this bird so that the next generation can see and enjoy its uniqueness in the wild," he said.