Types - Types Of Malware That Will End Your Work, Beware Of Some Types Yes!
Type - dangerous type of Malware (photo: dock. Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Malware may be the biggest threat to your life. Before we discuss the types - types of Malware you know first what Malware is.

If malware attacks succeed, it can result in loss of revenue, unexpected downtime, stolen data, and more expensive consequences. There are several types of malware, and attackers continue to invest in more complex and difficult-to-detect versions. Now is the time to take proactive steps to protect your work.

What is Malware? Malware is a malicious software used by threat actors to bring disaster to an organization or individual. Malware is usually found attached to emails, embedded in fake links, hidden in ads, or waiting on various sites that you (or your employees) might visit the internet. The ultimate goal of malware is to damage or exploit computers and networks, often to steal data or money.

All it takes is one click of one employee for the malware to install itself and start running the program.

Malware attacks are on the rise, especially after the pandemic. The total number of attacks has risen to 10.4 million per year. In addition, threat vectors and types of attacks have changed. Supply chain attacks and ransomware skyrocketed, and bad actors are increasingly organized ransomware gangs and malware- as a service now more common than pre-pandemics.

It's important to note that many malware attacks start via social engineering or phishing attacks. While there are tools that individuals and organizations can and must use to prevent malware attacks, training users is the most important thing because they are social engineering targets.


Doubling itself on the system, attaching yourself to different files and looking for intercomputer lanes, such as computer networks that share the same file storage area. Bribe usually slows down the network. The virus requires a host program to run but the worm can run on its own. Once the wormhole affects the host, it can spread very quickly through the network.


Viruses are dangerous codes that can be executed attached to other executable files. Viruses spread when infected files are passed from system to system. Viruses can be harmless or can change or delete data. Opening files can trigger the virus. Once the program virus is active, it will infect other programs on the computer.

Trojan horse or Trojan horse

Trojan horse is a malware that performs malicious operations with desired display operations such as playing online games. Trojans are different from viruses because Trojans bind themselves to files that cannot be run, such as image files, audio files.

Logic Bom

Logistical bombs are dangerous programs that use triggers to activate malicious codes. Logic bombs remain malfunction until the trigger event occurs. After being triggered, a logic bomb implements a malicious code that causes damage to the computer.

Cybersecurity specialists recently discovered a logic bomb that attacks and destroys hardware components at workstations or servers including cooling fans, hard drives, and power supplies. The logic bomb weighed on this device until it was too hot or failed.


Ransomware captures the computer system or data in it until victims make payments. Ransomware encrypts data on computers with unknown keys to the user. Users must pay a ransom (price) to criminals to collect data. Once the amount is paid, the victim can continue using the system.


The backdoor bypasses authentication commonly used to access the system. The goal of the backdoor is to provide future access to cybercriminals to the system even if the organization fixes the original vulnerabilities used to attack the system.


Rootkit modified the OS to create a backdoor. The attacker then uses the backdoor to remotely access the computer. Most of the rootkit utilizes software vulnerabilities to modify the system file.


Keylogger records all that users type on their computer system to get passwords and other sensitive information and send them to the keyloging program source.


The goal is to steal personal information from computer systems for third parties. Spyware collects information and sends it to hackers.

So after knowing the types of Malware, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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