YOGYAKARTA Get rid of stress with yoga, can you do that? Of course! Yoga is a sport that involves body and mind strength, so as to relieve muscle and physical tensions due to anxiety.

In addition, this stress-releasing exercise also implements breathing exercises that can stimulate the body's relaxation response. As a result, stress will slowly subside and the body will become more relaxed. In addition, yoga can also reduce blood pressure, so that it is good for heart health.

So, how to relieve stress with yoga? Check out the following information.

Tips to relieve stress with yoga are doing yoga movements that can relieve stress.

Well, yoga movements that can relieve or relieve stress vary. Here are a variety of stress-releasing yoga movements and how to do them.

1. Child pose

Child pose is a movement that is used to be silent for a moment and take a breath. How to do this pose is very easy, namely:

2. Tree pose

Tree pose is one of the yoga movements that requires balance. You can do this movement to relieve stress.

Here are the steps to do tree poses:

In addition to being able to relieve stress, this pose can strengthen other body parts, such as calf, thigh, spine, and ankle.

3. Pigeon pose

This stress-relieving yoga movement is also called the pigeon posture. Here's how to do the piceon pose:

In addition to easing the strength of the pixel pose, it can also keep blood pressure stable so that it is good for heart health.

4. Downward fading dog pose

Removing stress with yoga can also be done by practicing the downward fatigue dog pose movement. This yoga movement is one of the stretching movements for the body.

Here's how to do the downward fatigue dog pose:

That's the information about tips on relieve stress with yoga. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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