YOGYAKARTA - Rolling or jumping ropes is a sports option that can be done at home. This exercise is done with the help of tools in the form of jump rope or skippt rope. Although it looks easy, there are special steps or the right way of skipping.

remains included in cardio exercise or physical movement to improve heart and lung health. remains effective at burning calories and building endurance. This sport is perfect for those of you who want to maintain your health and body fitness. In addition, skipping is also recommended for people who run a diet program.

skipping requires a combination of body skills, starting from dilution, energy, breathing, strength, speed, and concentration. skipping exercise cannot be done with careless movements. Here are tips and steps to do the right skipping movement.

Before starting to skip, make sure you choose the right jumprope or skippt rope. The right skipping strap must match your body shape so you will be comfortable when wearing it.

Don't choose a rope that is too short because the rope will be stuck on your leg when you swing. Don't also choose a rope that is too long because it will be difficult to swing and the swing movement is irregular. Make sure the rope is in accordance with your height. Try the rope while buying it, adjust the handle under your armpit and the rope is loose enough to move you.

There are special tricks in holding rope skipping. In jump ramps or tapping straps, there is usually a handle with a rubber layer. Hold the rope with your hands comfortable.

After that put the rope behind your body, right behind your heels. The movement of the rope begins by slowly turning your lower arm forward. Then followed by turning your wrist to swing the rope up.

When the rope is swinging up, bend your knee a little bit to take steps. When the rope has crossed the head and is right in front of your leg's dry bone, it's time to jump. The jump is done using your toe or small jump.

Start the first movement slowly to build balance and concentration. Repeat slowly first until you control the time. After making several jumps, you will know the timing of the jump.

After making repeated jumps, you will be comfortable by yourself. In these conditions, your wrist can do work as if it is working automatically. Your wrist will rotate the rope with the same energy and rhythm. So you no longer need to spend a lot of movement and energy to rotate the rope.

When the movement is comfortable, you will also make repeated jumps calmly and comfortably. Make sure the body's position remains above the feet as at the beginning, or does not shift. This position will make your movement more agile and agile.

The longer you jump, your calf will feel tired. You can apply the alternating jump technique between your right leg and left leg or jump with one leg. With this movement, you can rest your calf in turns.

That's the right way of skipping for beginners. Need regular training to be able to perform flexible and agile skipping movements. You can apply a skipping schedule in the morning or evening with a duration of 20 minutes to 1 hour.

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