Why The Price Of Vinyl Is Expensive, Especially In Indonesia
Illustration of Kaset Vinyl (Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA For people who have a hobby of collecting various music tapes, of course, they know that the price of vinyl, especially in Indonesia, is quite expensive. Not only in terms of aesthetics, the existence of vinyl tapes is currently very rare, so the price is quite expensive. Then why is the price of vinyl expensive?

Kaset vinyl is one of the formats recorded by music in the form of physical. This era of cassettes appeared before the proliferation of CD cassettes and even ribbon tapes. This vinyl or disk shape is actually similar to the CD, but the size and ingredients used are very different.

Vinyl is usually 12 inches in size that can store album recordings of up to 10 songs or even more. To play recordings of songs stored on vinyl, you have to use a gramofon, the machine used to listen to the voice recorded on vinyl.

For collectors of cassettes or antiques, collecting vinyl and gramophones is indeed a matter of pride. Unfortunately, the price offered for vinyl itself is quite expensive. There is a special reason why vinyl prices are expensive, especially in old-school disks.

Quoted from the ampsandaudio site, currently the rise of a disk is starting to occur. In fact, many modern artists are starting to use this format. Meanwhile, the spike in vinyl sales is said to have increased in the UK. This is one of the reasons why vinyl is currently expensive.

In addition, there are several other reasons why vinyl prices are quite expensive in the market, either for old records or new recordings, namely as follows.

It turns out that the number of productions for vinyl tapes is very limited. On the other hand, market demand continues. This reason makes vinyl quite expensive to buy. This limitation is also a strong reason why vinyl is quite scarce in the market.

It should be noted that the sale of black disks past CD income. There are many reasons why vinyl demand continues to grow, for example for prestis and lifestyle reasons. Meanwhile, the limited number of vinyl production further confirmed that the format of the music recording is a rarer item.

It must also be noted that in the process of producing recording using a disk, special tools and expertise are needed, including printing, cutting, and mastering songs. This process does not only involve one or two people, but many human resources with various skills. This reason also underlies why the selling price of vinyl is quite expensive in the market.

Something that is considered a collection of goods must have increased in price. Collection items themselves usually have historical value that makes these items expensive. In fact, usually the price of vinyl is pegged according to the wishes of the previous owner for historical reasons, rare items, and much more.

Not only is it a collection item, some people think that vinyl is an investment. This assumption arises if someone actually collects records of legendary musicians such as The Beatles, Queen, or other musicians who are increasingly admired.

Those are some of the reasons why vinyl prices are expensive. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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