Raffi Ahmad Learning Drum Flying Drowning From NTRL Eno, Sandy PAS Band: After The Job Drummer
Raffi Ahmad learned drums from Eno NTRL (Instagram @raffinagita1717)

JAKARTA - In the midst of his busy schedule as an artist and entrepreneur, Raffi Ahmad is known to have an interest in drums. On several occasions, he has shown his ability to play drums to the public.

Recently, Raffi Ahmad through his Instagram account uploaded a video of him learning to play drums to intro the song Flying Drowning from NTRL Eno.

"I want to be taught the intro of Tergelan NTRL flying," Raffi Ahmad asked Eno NTRL.

"I really like Flying Drowning. For me, it's a philosophy of life. We live, sometimes we fly and sometimes sink," said Raffi.

Without hesitation, Eno NTRL sat down and played the drums for the intro of the song Terbang Drowning.

Furthermore, Eno asked Raffi Ahmad to play the pattern he had just taught.

"But I can't be like you," said Raffi.

"You don't have to, just try it, it's similar," said Eno NTRL.

Then Raffi sat down and tried to imitate the pattern taught by the NTRL drummer. At first, Nagita Slavina's husband looked awkward, but was finally able to imitate Eno's game, although not perfect.

"It's hard, I can't," said Raffi Ahmad, greeted by laughter from the two.

The upload of Raffi Ahmad was responded to by several Indonesian musicians through comments, including Sandy Andarusman (drumer PAS Band) and Iwa K.

"Waaaaah waaaaah, the drummer's job, if you play, Iiiiiiiiiiiii," commented Sandy Andarusman.

"Beuh! Baahaayaaa," wrote Iwa K.

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