Posan Regrets Boxes Keep Performing Songs Even Though It's Forbidden
Three Box personnel (Instagram @boxiband_)

Posan Tobing said Kotak was still playing his songs, even though he had banned and sent a subpoena.

What Kotak did, made Posan Tobing decide to make a police report against three Kotak personnel, namely Tantri, Chua and Cella.

"I really regret what my former friends, Tantri, Cella and Chua did," said Posan Tobing when met at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, August 6.

"They still performed the song. I even saw it in the video, I thought they were making fun of them," he continued.

Posan stated that Kotak's appearance at the last Jakarta Grand Week (PRJ) was an example. He said the Box still performed his songs.

In several other appearances of Kotak, Posan said his former bandmate changed the lyrics of the song without his permission.

"And there are several concerts that we see them performing the song by changing the lyrics," said Posan.

"The lyrics are converted into regional languages, with the same tone the lyrics are the same and without permission of course. And it has violated the Copyright Law, especially my moral rights, because I didn't ask for permission," he continued.

Regarding the possibility of peace, Jerys Napitupulu as Posan's attorney stated that his party wanted to continue the legal process for the reports submitted to be processed.

"Regarding the report, we will submit it to the authorities first. Regardless of the good faith, we want the legal process to continue. Let's not go too far, this has been a problem for a long time," said Jerys Napitupulu.

"For Tantri, Cella and Chua, let's prove it in court," concluded Posan Tobing.

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