YOGYAKARTA Tips for choosing helmets for touring are very important to pay attention to, especially for those of you who plan to travel between cities or even cross-provinces with motorcycle lovers communities.

By using the right helmet, you can minimize various risks while driving, such as preventing head injuries in the event of a traffic accident.

Summarized from various sources, here are some tips that need to be considered when buying helmets for motor touring purposes:

1. Choose a helmet with the SNI standard

If you want to buy a helmet for touring purposes, make sure to choose a helmet that has the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) label. This sign is a guarantee that helmet products have been produced according to the needs of the Indonesian people.

In addition to the right manufacturing process, the SNI helmet also prioritizes comfort, strength, and supports safety while driving.

However, if you want to buy an imported helmet, make sure the product already has a DOT (Departement of Transportation) or Snell (Snell Memorial Foundation) label, which is the standard driving product for the United States market.

2. Choose a full face helmet

Touring activities are not just having fun bulldozing the streets. Drivers need to concentrate fully when traveling long trips in order to reach their destination safely. Therefore, the head and eyes must receive good protection.

Well, to protect the head area as a whole, those of you who plan to do heavy riding activities such as touring are advised to choose a full face helmet.

A full face helmet is a type of helmet that provides comprehensive protection, including the head and face.

A full-face type helmet is perfect for touring because it has an aerodynamic design. This design can reduce wind resistance and noise during driving.

3. Choose a helmet with a quality visor

Tips for choosing a helmet for touring are then choosing a full-face helmet that has been equipped with a quality visor.

What is meant by visor is a glass that is useful in protecting the eye area from dust, foreign objects, or the wind while driving.

Well, a quality helmet visor can carry out its function optimally and can provide better vision for motorists.

4. Choose a helmet that suits your size

The helmet that will be worn during touring, must fit the size of the head to keep it comfortable to wear while driving.

Helmets themselves have different sizes. The following is a list of helmet sizes that can be used as benchmarks:

Wearing a helmet that is too narrow will make your head hurt. On the other hand, helmets that are too loose can threaten the safety of motorists. Because, it can be released when there is a traffic accident.

That's information about choosing a helmet for touring. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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