JAKARTA - Many women want smooth legs without annoying hair. For that, many are taking ways to remove leg hair from shaving with a razor, waxing, to laser hair removal.

In fact, removing hair with a razor is the most commonly used method. The reason is, this method is the least expensive and can be done easily at home. Unfortunately, this method often creates new problems.

Citing The Healthy, Wednesday, August 8, shaving the leg hair with a razor can trigger side effects, such as sores. Some people even believe that this activity can cause leg hair to grow thicker, coarser, darker, and curly.

However, is the belief circulating among women true? Still according to The Healthy, a clinical trial in early 1928 published in the British Medical Journal found that shaving had no effect on hair growth.

Several more recent studies have also confirmed that shaving does not affect the thickness or rate of hair growth. On another occasion, board-certified dermatologist at Riverchase Dermatology, Miami, United States, Annie Gonzalez, MD told The Healthy that shaving does not change the growth rate, color, or thickness of hair, including leg hair.

Regarding the assumption that shaving their legs makes them grow thicker, Annie also asserts that this is a myth.

"Right after you shave, the surface of the body (in the shaving area) may feel rough, making hair appear thicker and darker, but it really isn't," says Annie.

According to him, shaving will not change the process of hair growth. Until now there is also no research that proves that hair will grow thicker and coarser after shaving.

The cause of the hair looks thick because the hair or leg hair that has just been shaved, grows back with blunt ends and usually feels rough. However, shaving can trigger itching or red bumps on the skin.

"After shaving, the hair follicles continue to grow under the skin, causing the hair follicles to become irritated, which can lead to itching or painful red bumps," explains Annie.

Annie herself gave a few tips about shaving. If you want to shave, he recommends shaving in the direction of hair growth so that the skin is protected from cuts due to friction with the razor.

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