JAKARTA – Back pain can be caused by various factors. If it is caused by sitting too much or sleeping in the wrong position, you can overcome it by training your waist muscles. However, it is recommended that before doing the waist muscle exercise movements, the pain needs to be relieved first.

According to the direction of the fitness and health instructor published by the BodyFit by Bagus account on YouTube, there are more than 5 simple movements that can be done to train the waist muscles. The goal is not to get sick easily and be stronger. Interested in trying these moves while at home?

The first movement, lying down with both legs raised towards the chest. If in yoga poses, this movement is called happy baby pose. When lifting both legs, try to lift your buttocks slightly upwards. Focus on the middle back, shoulder blades, and waist.

gerakan menyembuhkan sakit pinggang
Simple movement to cure back pain

The next movement, second, extend one leg. The other leg is lifted towards the chest and gently pressed. Perform to 15 counts while keeping the breath steady.

gerakan menyembuhkan sakit pinggang
Simple movement to cure back pain

Do the second movement for both legs. Do the next movement, like the first movement but the thigh is slightly opened.

gerakan menyembuhkan sakit pinggang
Simple movement to cure back pain

The third movement is followed by attaching the soles of the feet. Start by lying down and bringing the sole of your right foot and yourself together. Slowly lift up while counting and catching your breath. This pose can be held as strong as possible.

gerakan menyembuhkan sakit pinggang
Simple movement to cure back pain

If your waist hurts too much, you can first consult a doctor or physiotherapist so that you get directions according to your body condition.

gerakan menyembuhkan sakit pinggang
Simple movement to cure back pain

Well, the fourth movement is to hug the knees in the chest. When doing this pose, the waist and back muscles feel more relaxed.

For a closing movement, you can relax your whole body in a lying position with your hands by your side, palms facing up. These movements are quite simple and can be done at home.

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