JAKARTA – On the one hand, salt is needed by the body. But if there are too many, it can lead to unwanted risks. Such as causing high blood pressure to dehydration and not smooth processing of glucose in the digestive system.

In fact, when the body is excess salt can be recognized and identified. In order to immediately reduce salt intake, here are the signs.

Constant thirst

In the ideal size, consumption of salt per day as much as 6 grams or one teaspoon. But when it comes to excess salt, the first and most easily recognizable feeling is constant thirst.

Salt contains sodium, also known as sodium and chloride. Eating chips, fried foods, and other salty foods in a row in one day causes constant thirst. This is a sign, your body has too much salt.

Decreased focus

According to research conducted at the University of Colorado, United States in 2018, men who have excess sodium have the potential to develop dementia. This shows that focus and the ability to think can be a risk experienced when the body is too salty.

The food you eat tastes bland

Because of the frequency of eating salty food, any food feels bland. The taste buds will be formed through eating habits.

Well, if you eat too much salty food, then every food tastes less salty and tastes bland. This actually triggers us to add salt through the ideal dose so that salt or sodium accumulates in the blood.

Swollen foot

Precisely ankles that swell if there is excess salt in the body. Salt binds body fluids and fats. Due to the accumulation of fluid in the body's cells by binding salts, the fingers and ankles will swell.

This condition is known as edema, which is swelling or inflammation caused by excess fluid in the tissues.

Blood pressure rises

What needs to be identified is to eat anything after the head feels dizzy and the body is weak. Because the symptoms of high blood pressure and low blood pressure are almost difficult to distinguish unless validated with a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure measuring device.

After eating salty amounts of more than the ideal dose, blood pressure can creep up although this will also be relative depending on the condition of each person's body.

To determine whether the body is excess salt or not, try to evaluate what you ate yesterday and today. Then check the condition, if simultaneously experiencing the five signs above or two of them, then immediately reduce salt intake.

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